Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. -John Cotton Dana

"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." - John Cotton Dana

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Project #14: Teach Someone Project

EASY Styrofoam Relief Printing Instructions

This week in EDU301 (Art), we are making different types of prints. I have found that relief printing  is pretty fun and easy and it could really be incorporated into many lessons. 

  • Paint
  • Styrofoam (We are using old meat trays that have been cleaned, but styrofoam plates would work as well.)
  • Scissors
  • Pencils 
  • Paper (or fabric, construction paper, old t-shirts, or any other material you wish to print on)
  • Small paint rollers or brushes for applying the paint
  1. If you are using a meat tray or styrofoam plate, use the scissors to cut the edges off so that you will have a flat surface. (If your styrofoam is flat, move to step 2.)
  2. Using a pencil, draw an image into the flat styrofoam. (The end of a pair of scissors will work as well.)
  3. Remember, if you write letters or words, the image will appear in reverse once printed.
  4. Use a paintbrush or roller and cover the surface of your styrofoam image. 
  5. Press the image against your paper (or other material you chose to print on).
  6. Clean up your mess while allowing for your print to dry! =)
I chose to make a spiderweb because I liked all of the lines. I will be posting pictures soon of my styrofoam image and my print. In the mean time, here are other examples I found on the web!

relief print of a duck
The white parts would be what was drew on the styrofoam.
trees at night
Look how detailed!

bouquet of flowers
I'm a sucker for flowers...

1 comment:

  1. Kristan,

    This is a great Teach Someone Project, and I like how you are incorporating your other lessons into this class. I absolutely love Art, and I remember doing this in school. I know that all students would love being able to do this in class, and I hope you plan on using it with your students. Great job!
