The first post I commented on was titled Leadership Stared Me In The Face Today...And I Like What I Saw. Mr. Anderson had lead a workshop at school earlier that day. After the workshop, one teacher confronted Mr. Anderson with the question, "Why are we doing this workshop?" This 7th grade science teacher then made a suggestion, why not do technology PD in a PLC format where it is a smaller group and how the new information can be applied to content can be discussed. Mr. Anderson makes note that it is important to not only see where a program is going, but where it has been. "We have to talk to people, solicit ideas, get feedback and make changes even when those decisions might be tough."
I commented on Mr. Anderson's post stating I hope to someday be a part of a school where the faculty WANT to improve their work and are not afraid to take the initiative to make that happen. I also agreed that critical feedback is what allows us to get better along with self reflection.
The second post I commented on was titled What Is It About #Educon? My Reflections.... This post was made after Mr. Anderson attended Educon 2.3 in Philadelphia for the first time. Educon is a conference put on by the students and staff of the Science Leadership Academy. After a few days of thinking, Mr. Anderson realizes that all schools have the same opportunity to do amazing things such as SLA. Inquiry based learning, collaboration and reflection are big parts to SLA's approach. Mr. Anderson believes we should all be able to take that same mission to "our own corners of the earth and institute them." Mr. Anderson's favorite presentation was given my three girls who actually involved their listeners. They were to give feedback, move around the room, etc... "It was like a class you never wanted to leave." After reflecting, Mr. Anderson agrees this is how learning should be in all classrooms.
I responded to this post by first saying that Educon sounds like such a cool conference to attend! I also love SLA's mission statement. I also believe getting involved and participating is the best way to learn and it definitely should be the way it works in schools today. I also stated reflection must be continuous in order to learn and grow effectively. I thanked Mr. Anderson and would like to thank him again for sharing his experience and wisdom.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." -John Quincy Adams
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