Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. -John Cotton Dana

"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." - John Cotton Dana

Saturday, April 30, 2011

C4T #4

apple products
During this comment for teacher assignment, I visited Dragonsinger - Learning, Unlearning, & Relearning. The 1st post was titled. "iPad in the Classroom." Allanah had been using an iPad in her classroom for a week, and her kids were very excited about it. Through Twitter, Allanah learned several ways she could use her iPad in the classroom. She was able to turn the iPad into an interactive whiteboard. She also believes the iPad could be used quite nicely for math.

In my comment, I explained how I am excited about making my first iPad purchase. I have heard many great things about it, and I believe someone finds a new way to use it in the classroom each day. I also noticed she was using her PLN to get new ideas. I am learning more and more each day how useful and resourceful Twitter can be!

Her next post was called, "Not obsessed at all." She shows a picture of her Macs and states missing from the picture is: the iPad, iTouch, and iPhone. Having so many apple products doesn't make her obsessed, or does it?

I simply love apple products. Each product just keeps getting better. Apple products are also becoming more and more useful in the classrooms. I am slowly but surely expanding my apple product collection. I have 3 iPods, an iTouch, and working on getting an iPad. Enhanced by Zemanta

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